FOR desktop or mobile device
This is a geospatial PDF map. To use these maps on your mobile device, download and install the Avenza maps app, then import the map into the Avenza app. Once you are within the map boundaries, a little blue dot will show your location on the map.
For trail status and conditions, click the link below.

1. Download Map
Download snowmobile map to your mobile device and save to your device’s files.
2. Download Avenza
On your mobile device, install the Avenza Maps app via the Apple App Store or Android App Store.
3. Add Map
Open the Avenza app and from the “My Maps” tab, click the plus sign in the top right to add maps.
4. Import Map
Select import maps from the footer menu.
5. Select File Location
If you saved the map directly to the files on your mobile device, click “From Storage Locations”
6. Select Snowmobile Map
From your file folder, find the GrandLakeSnowmobileTrailSystemMap you just saved to your device.
7. Select Map and Open
Once your map has been successfully added to your Avenza app, Select it from the “My Maps” tab on the bottom, then click “Open”.
8. Open Map in App
Open your now imported map. You may now use your map to show your location within the riding areas with a blue dot.
Located right on the Stillwater Pass Snowmobile Trail, Idleglen Trailhead Parking Lot is the ONLY designated overnight camping and trailer parking area for this riding zone. No reservation necessary.
This lot is a great option for parking your trailer if you want to be close to town, but also don’t want to risk the snowmobile trail to town being closed. This is a new lot for the 2025 season and located across the street from the Conoco gas station.
If the snowmobile trail into town is open, this lot is a great option unique to the Town of Grand Lake. Ditch the car keys, you can ride your snowmobile through town and all the way back to the trail system trailheads.
(West of Grand Lake and Granby)
The snowmobile trail system can be accessed from the west corridor from Hwy 125. There are two trailheads, Kauffman and Stillwater. Both can be found on the the Grand Lake Snowmobile Trail System Map. F0r more information, reach out to the forest service and check back for the latest trail status updates.